What I find strange about the TDW folk
They know to believe pretty much the exact opposite when it comes to what the MSM says and the narratives they weave.
They're even getting frustrated because the normies can't see the media propaganda switch from COVID to Ukraine.
However, one issue they take the MSM's narrative bait line and sinker: Q
This strikes me as very strange. You'd think they'd put two and two together. For me, I was always very neutral regarding the Q posts; to this day, I retain a degree of healthy skepticism.
But my jaw dropped to the floor when the MSM actually started whipping up anti Q propaganda. And they're still doing it to this day. It's somewhat of a confirmation in itself.
I know. Don't mention the strong Christian themes (faith).
I don't know if they understand this, but if Q is an operation trust larp like they say, we are well beyond fucked, and memes aren't going to help.
It would also be an utterly unnecessary psyop, most of us would not have awoken and just doomed out had it not existed.