OMG, quick announcement, due to an uptick in general abuse, please note! The mod team will not tolerate shill faggots going after our based gay frogs! We love autists, whatever frender or orientation they might be! It's not their fault their mums drank the tap water! 🌈)))>>--❤️

That's where I hit a wall too. You go from a different sexual preference to actual delusions and a disconnection from reality.
Actually, now that I think of it, degeneracy is my biggest issue. It doesn't matter what orientation you are, excessively perverted and deviant behavior is repulsive to me. The hyper-sexualization of society has brought nothing but problems for most of us.
To me they are both deviant behaviors that I don't approve of. Having a gay cousin molester does that to you. But with all people, I have learned that there are good and bad and I have met some very nice gay couples who are confused with the whole trans thing. The trans thing is just a step too far and really masks some mental problems.
"Current Relationship Bruce Jenner aka Caitlyn Jenner is currently in a romantic relationship with Sophia Hutchins. His partner, Sophia is a transgender and now serves as the director of Caitlyn Jenner Foundation."
Like the mental gymnastics you have to do to figure out what these people are. Are they gay, are they lesbians, are they men, are they women? If they both have cranks, then aren't they just gay? Bizarro World.
Convincing mentally ill people to pay a lot of money to do irreparable damage to their bodies with drugs and mutilating surgeries is honestly, imo, worthy of the death penalty. The people that push this, especially onto children, are actively ruining lives and damaging the fabric of society. This whole thing was calculated and planned and it makes me fell so bad for the people that fall victim to it.
Even a lot of gays can't stand the trans and this attitude "we'll just use hack medicine to fix you" in some crazy idea that all gay men think that they're straight women born in male bodies by mistake and such nonsense.
It's especially diabolical with kids, in cases of real gender dysmorphia over 90% who do nothing grow out of it by puberty and become comfortable with who they are. Those who get hacked up have a 70+% suicide rate.