What if suicide weekend is actually parents that made their kids get vaxxed and find out they have VAIDS now?
This would suck but just a thought I had thinking of Q posts…before I dream about the day this nightmare is over.
I'd have a hard time reconciling "we have it all" with the White Hats also not stopping this from happening. If the vaccine was a poison and actually successfully killed off millions of kids, then... it doesn't really sound like the White Hats won at all, despite apparently having had the proof since before the last election.
Seems hard to justify the outcome here as a victory for Q.
I admit finding it quaint that you often repeat “you’re watching a movie” and “symbolism will be their downfall” but then cite theatre and ceremony as proof that you don’t fall for such manipulation.
Don’t you realize that when you say, “The sword dance ceremony is an important symbol! The Forbidden City visit is a high honor!”
I can just say back to you,
“You’re watching a movie. Symbolism will be your downfall.”
Ceremonial visits and formal shows of respect are literally theatre. Perhaps they show a genuine intention. Perhaps they’re designed to manipulate you. They’re theatre. They’re showy on purpose.
The fact that you look at a symbol like “he walked in front of the pope” and interpret that as the proof positive automatically just because it’s a symbol that supports YOUR belief system shows you’re just as easily manipulated as a normie who believes any symbol or show they see on television.
You’re just watching a different television screen.
Everyone consumes information that can be labeled as "theatre". Including the information here.
No one is unbiased in their thinking. The coffee you choose to drink is a bias, the way you socialize is a bias, the hygiene you have is a bias, and on and on....