posted ago by Lord_Moo ago by Lord_Moo +24 / -0

Like the post says, I come here often and for the past month or so there's been a huge abundance of stickied posts. Don't get me wrong things are happening and at this point in time I get it, there's lots to read. Usually it doesn't bug me but enough is enough - Look at the front page at the current moment I have 19 stickies Half of them are over a day old the others are sprinkled between 8-23hrs between the other posts.

Is it possible to filter stickied posts in order of post creation? I know that some things don't pick up right away. But because "HOT" has all the stickies but yet are utterly all over the place, I browse thru new and rising and don't know which threads will end up on stickied hours and hours later, and I just don't know how to browse thru GA anymore, I think there should be a little more mindfulness, I love you guys you guys are some of the best collections of sleuths, nerds, and creative thinkers I want to adore you better, damnit. I do appreciate the efforts being put in. Just perhaps a little pruning to make things more... copacetic.

Suggestion from me would be to limit number of stickies, so that It's not grossly over a page long (if everything is stickied, stickies lose their meaning). Filter stickies by post creation.

Also if you want my $0.10 on the site, I'd love a project where we can look thru some of the Conspiracy -> fact posts the ones that got it 10/10 prediction. Project Memory Whole - Nothing is ever forgotten, we could use a score card of the times we were right.