-Offer to pay him a dollar to take it off.
-Ask to see it a second, just to check. Sniff it, make a sour milk face then hand it back using only two fingers at full arms length. Walk away.
-Ask them if their face diaper is pampers or huggies.
-Ask if they are going to rob a bank. Only theives wear masks.
-Give them a face mask (superhero eye covering). Tell them your OCD compelled you to help them complete the look.
-Tell them its not on right, pull it higher, no higher. Keep going until it covers their eyes. Say its perfect now.
-Ask if you can sign their mask, use a stinky marker.
-Use a fezzik accent, ask, "why are you wearing a mask, were you burned by acid or something?"
-Tell them it sounds like they have a disease ridden cloth over their face when they talk.
-Snease in a tissue, show it to friend. Ask if they sneeze in their mask.
-Start a cardio program at lunch. Invite the masking friend, they'll find out quick to take it off during exercise, or pass out. Either way you've deal with the problem.
-Offer free masks, crochet them. Big holes.
Brilliant, love it!