I've been taking something like that for years, and my issues are muscular and inflammation -- patellofemoral syndrome and the like. Ice seems to be the best recourse, though DMSO and Icy Hot help sometimes. And now I'm bumming because I meant to get some Absorbine when I went to the feed store yesterday and forgot it.
...I can relate to the knee issues...
...Insta Flex Advanced has helped me immensely....
I've been taking something like that for years, and my issues are muscular and inflammation -- patellofemoral syndrome and the like. Ice seems to be the best recourse, though DMSO and Icy Hot help sometimes. And now I'm bumming because I meant to get some Absorbine when I went to the feed store yesterday and forgot it.
....turmeric fights the inflammation....
Thanks. I'll look into that.
The Instaflex Advanced supplement ingredients include: turmeric, resveratrol, Boswellia serrata, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and black pepper extract.