posted ago by QDay ago by QDay +16 / -1

Russia performs military exercise to discover and seize evidence that the US is illegally conducting bio/chem research and development. Russia presents damning evidence exposing US corruption and violations.

UN Security Leadership ignores evidence and paints Russia as the enemy because they invaded a country to find that the country was performing crimes against humanity.

Russia points out the hypocrisy of the UN Security meeting and describes how the US has done the same thing multiple times (e.g. Iraq). UN security calls it propaganda.

Meeting concludes.

About sums up the criminal cabal. How we ever going to get justice?

In this new clown world - these officials get to conduct all the crimes they want. This is like person being raided by a 3 letter agency and said 3 letter agency finds ample evidence of crimes committed. But the 3 letter agency is deemed the bad guy for discovering the crime. (Replace the above analogy's reference to person with Hillary Clinton)