All you have done ...whoever you actually are, is oppose my assertion and replace it with the "official narrative". Using that as your foundation to assert that my account ("analysis" as you term it) is supposedly invalid.
I write at length and you dismiss it (as if with a wave of your hand) with a couple of lines.
You totally disregard that I read the "Do No Evil" motto DIRECTLY from Googles own original online documentation! I raised this with others at that point!
It is MSM reporting a different version of things (for many years now) which prompted my post.
Did you really do nothing more than "Google" it? 😭
Perhaps someone who was old enough to be using the Internet LONG BEFORE GOOGLE may have observed what I saw.
Using the Internet while engineering online communication software since the mid nineties gave me extensive exposure to technical documentation. No less so when Google came into existence!
All you have done ...whoever you actually are, is oppose my assertion and replace it with the "official narrative". Using that as your foundation to assert that my account ("analysis" as you term it) is supposedly invalid.
I write at length and you dismiss it (as if with a wave of your hand) with a couple of lines.
You totally disregard that I read the "Do No Evil" motto DIRECTLY from Googles own original online documentation! I raised this with others at that point!
It is MSM reporting a different version of things (for many years now) which prompted my post.
Did you really do nothing more than "Google" it? 😭
Perhaps someone who was old enough to be using the Internet LONG BEFORE GOOGLE may have observed what I saw.
Using the Internet while engineering online communication software since the mid nineties gave me extensive exposure to technical documentation. No less so when Google came into existence!