We have the best group ever on here?! Seriously, I feel like yall are family! Love that its a mix of military, maybe some dr floating somewhere who knows, husbands, wives, law enforcement! All ages. This is America and I love all of yall and keep you in my prayers! Even the same 2 who bicker allll the time. You know who you are. 🤣
But seriously, i wouldnt choose another group aside from ours. We might be ragtag but its the best ragtag group!
With a focusing of negative energy on the people pierced and dyed, self-mutilating, screeching and screaming about their pronouns and wanting to kill fascists and gorge themselves on vaccines.. it figures that in the great cosmic balancing act there is going to be a positive sphere as well.
I think thats us! I dont feel panic, I dont feel fear, and have almost forgotten what it was to be anxious or doubtful. Observations and understanding well in advance of the herd lets us adapt when its still easy, and control for positive outcomes. We certainly arent alone with this fight whose outcome is already certain. By contrast, how is it that supposed doctors and academics and purportedly wise men are failing and dying due to their own excesses and misunderstandings.. but we thrive?
I dont even know if the answer to that is important really.. the important thing is that we are all armored up and healthy and eager for things to come.. Loving the rest of you as well, things are picking up and we all have a niche and purpose here on the front line!