I know most of you, like me, are incredibly thankful for this site, the mods, and all the amazing people that are here. We have become like a giant family of light ready to help bring Truth, love and light to the world. This post is for each of you. Thank you for all you do, all the many hours we have shared. The battle is not over, but we wouldnt be where we are now with each of you. Lets each take a moment to first thank God, but then lets show a little love to all the mods, contributors, and anons that have been with us along this wild ride of GREAT AWAKENING You each will forever be my brothers and sisters. Love you all. God bless you and keep pushing forward till we reach that better tomorrow.
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Amen. Thanks for your kind uplifting words. I will keep at it for as long as I have breath in my body and God guides me to. We are in this together. Love you sis
God Bless and keep you and I pray one day, God willing we can all meet in person