I know most of you, like me, are incredibly thankful for this site, the mods, and all the amazing people that are here. We have become like a giant family of light ready to help bring Truth, love and light to the world. This post is for each of you. Thank you for all you do, all the many hours we have shared. The battle is not over, but we wouldnt be where we are now with each of you. Lets each take a moment to first thank God, but then lets show a little love to all the mods, contributors, and anons that have been with us along this wild ride of GREAT AWAKENING You each will forever be my brothers and sisters. Love you all. God bless you and keep pushing forward till we reach that better tomorrow.
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Yes I agree it should stay on course. I am excited to get on truth social. The prayer Garden is on the waiting list. I can't wait to get over there and start praying and sharing in truth. I'm hoping we can form deep connections over there as truth rises. I think truth plus scored are gonna go well together. I'm so stoked...the wait Is hard but all In Gods timing
I never heard of it but I'm not into public prayer. I've been in bible studies that were wrecked with open prayer requests. It ended two hours later without having the bible study. Bible Study Fellowship does not permit prayer in their organized studies.
Matthew 6:6 “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”
That is one verse of many about prayer. The studies you were in were just not run right. We do 2 video chats(bible studies)weekly and have never had this problem. You just have to have some people that know how to properly lead. I try to pray without ceasing like the bible says. So how is that possible if your in a closet. R we supposed to just live in a closet then, so obviously your reading that verse out of context like most people do when they bring it up about group prayer. There are many verses that support what we are doing. Besides its not just prayer we do, prayer is just our foundation, like it should be with all things. The prayer Garden is a network we have created of all .win people. We have many different ways to take part not just what I mentioned. It all comes down to letting Christ lead and it works Your a handshake so I understand you haven't heard of it but be on the lookout I post about it all the time. God is doing big things with it I can promise u that. I encourage you to pray on my words and let God guide you to the truth because you are limiting your prayer life https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/142B5acSEi/prayer-garden/c
I didn't say I never prayed, just not publicly anymore. I think the "closet" is in the privacy of your abode. Think Daniel. If it's an emergency you pray on the spot. I'll check that page out. Good conversation today. Have a blessed night. :)
Yes please read it and pray on it. Going back and reading my message to you I might have come off a little to harsh. Might have mixed some emotion from another convo so if I did I apologize. This was a good convo maybe we can talk more in future. God bless u
Here Is a good explanation for u about Matthew 6 6 it's all about where your heart is. We can very much pray in public with groups but if we can ONLY pray when others are looking or for attention then it is better to pray in your closet. Thatd all it means fren. Pray on this please
A prayer list works. Have people write their requests and pray for them. It also filters out "would you please pray for my moms friend's kitty with a broken tail."
Yea that one I'll never forget. Sure it doesn't hurt to pray for the cat. I prefer bible study.
Good night friend.
I will continue this convo tomorrow because I think your miss judging our network because it's called the PRAYER GARDEN. we are so much more than that and actually dont just pray the whole time. We do an opening prayer on our video chats but them get into the study for atleast an hour sometimes 2. Talk more tomorrow. Gonna crash. Good night