Was wondering, if the cabal works by infiltrating institutions with great mass appeal to keep the masses placated and to push their agendas, could it be that the Vatican was also infiltrated and became the globalist mouthpiece we see nowadays ?
I'm saying that the press and literature,for example were't always corrupt like we see today. Could it be that the Vatican used to follow with their duty to try to serve God (using rites and setting up dogmas and doctrines you may or may not agree with) got infiltrated and used by the Cabal as means of control ?
Intriguing theory. Assuming the Catholic Church was "the news" in it's hay-day and then later, not so much as replaced, but emboldened by the advent of the printing press which allowed the cabal to control more sources of information from the written word; and then followed with the print newspaper, and in present time, online "news" and social media/influence.