I have heard the Gus Grissom thing but I don't think it is as simple as the earth being flat. I have personally seen some of the technology and can genuinely say I don't believe they would go to.that level of research and effort for a larp.
Also all of the elites own or want to own space companies which is odd if space doesn't exist.
There are so many holes in the ISS once you start looking: Countless videos of cgi glitches in the thing and astronauts on wires, the full scale mock up of it in a pool coupled with the peculiar “bubbles” in space phenomena, iss space walk videos showing scuba divers that haven’t been properly “painted out”, the fact that they say it’s at an altitude that puts it in the thermosphere where the temp is 3000 degrees C, it’s supposedly zooming around at 17000Km/h and has never had a serious issue with the (what we’re told) voluminous amount of space junk and debris, the fact that the greatest engineering feat in human history ie building a habitable ship/station in space has only cartoon cgi construction videos, 24 years of doing science science science up there and not one “scientific” breakthrough. All we get is idiots playing guitar, fools in gym equipment and dancing while waving around their satanic hand gestures and flying around a trash can full of wires that looks nowhere near as realistic as Sandra Bullock in Gravity. It goes on and on... At this point it’s so laughable it’s almost like they’re doing it on purpose. Yes, there’s something in the sky we can see zooming past. Is it what they say it is? Have we been lied to about anything else by govt agencies getting in excess of $50M/ day? IMO we’ve been lied to about pretty much everything. Thats why I question everything and don’t stop digging.
did the russians jettison that lone US astronaut from their mir station
Fren, removed... Off topic.... And pls be careful, flat earthers don't live long around here
Fair enough. I'm not a flat earther though, just a distruster of NASA.
Secret is in Antartica, ya nerds.
The entire thing's a pantomime. NASA is asshoe. Always has been. Gus Grissom knew. Thus why he was murdered for hanging the lemon.
I have heard the Gus Grissom thing but I don't think it is as simple as the earth being flat. I have personally seen some of the technology and can genuinely say I don't believe they would go to.that level of research and effort for a larp.
Also all of the elites own or want to own space companies which is odd if space doesn't exist.
There are so many holes in the ISS once you start looking: Countless videos of cgi glitches in the thing and astronauts on wires, the full scale mock up of it in a pool coupled with the peculiar “bubbles” in space phenomena, iss space walk videos showing scuba divers that haven’t been properly “painted out”, the fact that they say it’s at an altitude that puts it in the thermosphere where the temp is 3000 degrees C, it’s supposedly zooming around at 17000Km/h and has never had a serious issue with the (what we’re told) voluminous amount of space junk and debris, the fact that the greatest engineering feat in human history ie building a habitable ship/station in space has only cartoon cgi construction videos, 24 years of doing science science science up there and not one “scientific” breakthrough. All we get is idiots playing guitar, fools in gym equipment and dancing while waving around their satanic hand gestures and flying around a trash can full of wires that looks nowhere near as realistic as Sandra Bullock in Gravity. It goes on and on... At this point it’s so laughable it’s almost like they’re doing it on purpose. Yes, there’s something in the sky we can see zooming past. Is it what they say it is? Have we been lied to about anything else by govt agencies getting in excess of $50M/ day? IMO we’ve been lied to about pretty much everything. Thats why I question everything and don’t stop digging.