Does merely receiving a piece of paper from a university make you intelligent and wise. I don't think so. It makes you knowledgeable in what you were taught from youth all the way through university. This is the state of the education system now.
I'm not saying I know more about hiring than you, as I've never done it and you have. But wouldn't emphasizing 4-year + work experience over a degree rob others of the opportunity you were given in your first year of experience fresh out of education? I'm sure I'm missing something, just figured I'd pick your brain.
When I finished engineering and started my first job, that was the point where I realized that even with all the education that I was still bordering on clueless beyond the basic grasp of the workflow.
It really took about 2 years of work experience to develop a level of confidence and it was around 5 years of experience that I realized that I had developed an expertise in the field by having my estimation with basic information proved correct after thorough calculation.
Does merely receiving a piece of paper from a university make you intelligent and wise. I don't think so. It makes you knowledgeable in what you were taught from youth all the way through university. This is the state of the education system now.
I'm not saying I know more about hiring than you, as I've never done it and you have. But wouldn't emphasizing 4-year + work experience over a degree rob others of the opportunity you were given in your first year of experience fresh out of education? I'm sure I'm missing something, just figured I'd pick your brain.
amen brother
When I finished engineering and started my first job, that was the point where I realized that even with all the education that I was still bordering on clueless beyond the basic grasp of the workflow.
It really took about 2 years of work experience to develop a level of confidence and it was around 5 years of experience that I realized that I had developed an expertise in the field by having my estimation with basic information proved correct after thorough calculation.