Only time I’ve worn it is taking my mom to doctor visits and our local hardware store. I know the owner and he was crying about how they’ve threatened to fine him $5k if they see anyone in his store without a mask🙄
Rest of the places I just wait and see if anyone was gonna say anything and I already had the response of the day prepared if they did. Only had words with a few customers and about half a dozen store clerks the entire time. A lot of times I’d start spewing facts about masks and covid and then customers would come up to me asking to clarify this or that and wanted more info about what I was saying. Spewing red pills everywhere. 😂
Only time I’ve worn it is taking my mom to doctor visits and our local hardware store. I know the owner and he was crying about how they’ve threatened to fine him $5k if they see anyone in his store without a mask🙄 Rest of the places I just wait and see if anyone was gonna say anything and I already had the response of the day prepared if they did. Only had words with a few customers and about half a dozen store clerks the entire time. A lot of times I’d start spewing facts about masks and covid and then customers would come up to me asking to clarify this or that and wanted more info about what I was saying. Spewing red pills everywhere. 😂