Cut it out with the name calling. He has a valid point.
Do YOU understand the chemistry involved with these tests?
I don't, but I have enough sense to understand that testing things the test wasn't designed for just MAY cause the test to malfunction. Why is is so hard to consider that pH or Alkalinity may play a part in how the test works.
That said, the tests aren't designed for "Covid" testing either, so it's all BS.
Cut it out with the name calling. He has a valid point.
Do YOU understand the chemistry involved with these tests? I don't, but I have enough sense to understand that testing things the test wasn't designed for just MAY cause the test to malfunction. Why is is so hard to consider that pH or Alkalinity may play a part in how the test works.
That said, the tests aren't designed for "Covid" testing either, so it's all BS.