The reason why I am asking is because well I have some friends that I do deeply care about. Now they're not leftists or anything like that completely the opposite, they consider themselves to be fascists or national socialists but what they mean by that. They're not like your globalist neo nazi faggots or anything remotely controlled by DS, they're really based on many things and are very well aware of the Rothschilds and etc.
But in terms of thinking Hitler was trying to free the world from (((them.))) don't get me wrong but you see I wish for them to know the truth and much more about many things. They're are definitely to the type you can tell that they care truthfully for humanity and family friendly amongst other things, those are real friends than your typical kind of people that roam this world. But how would I explain something like the Great Awakening and Q to them? I have been wondering for that for a long time and to be honest in how I would approach them with it. Any suggestions or anything to say about this matter?
Just give them the address to the site, and let them figure it out on their own. They already seem like they’re pretty set in their thinking, and for you to try to deprogram them, it’s not gonna work. Not only are you risking your friendships, but also your safety. You have no idea what they’re capable of, or what type of belief system or they have behind your back. I wouldn’t put yourself so far out there that you would be risking your safety. Just give them the site, and let them figure it out. Do not give them your username.