Just read about Juicy getting out and thought to myself, How perfect! (do thoughts get quotes? I didn't say it........)
Double sided crook. Get you to act out and they can hold you under the law. Get you to comply, and demand more laws to be put in place when they take down the dude they got to act out......
Self serving in every way.
They rob the widow's homes.
I appreciate the concern and I promise you that the intent is not in anyway to take from or add to the Word.
Consider how many are programed to turn away immediately from scripture. Jesus spoke in ways to catch people's attention and get them to think. Fortunately for me the Bible has at least been mentioned to most people at this point and the internet makes it extremely simple to search short phrases to find the complete source of the material.
If you consider your argument we should publish the entire Bible anytime it is mentioned. It could happen, gonna need a much greater character limit though.