"The hard part about putting on the full armor of God, Mr. Ryan? Is knowing that, even once you've won, you'll still have to become that knight that's returned, victorious, and then do something else with the rest of your life." Our walk with each other has only just begun, my fellow frogs. 🐸/

Totally agree!. Highly recommend we all look into raising our consciousness, because the next steps will require a higher vibrational energy than is going to be available once we come out of this. Otherwise we will backslide into arguing over who is "right" and who is "wrong" again.
Those who raise their consciousness will be able to rebuild. (It's the next step, and it takes as much study as we have gone through here in the last two years.) We have to do a better job than we did before when we were asleep. There is a **lot **of work ahead. But also joy and freedom to do it in.