I've followed the Q posts since 2018. Every single post, every 4chan, 8chan, reddit thread and deep-dive. I believe there is some disinformation in there, but I also know there are some very deep truths revealed in them that could change the world if accepted by the population at large.
My trouble comes with Trump's connections to Kushner/Rothschild/Israel. While I acknowledge that there is a covert war so complicated and deep it might not be possible for anyone to be completely clean, some of the direct connections are just too disturbing to me to ignore. If Trump is saving America (and working with the Q posts which are decidedly christian-themed), why is his daughter married into an orthodox jewish criminal family (kushner). Kushner literally bought 666 5th ave for 1.8b (6+6+6 = 18). He invested in one of the largest RFID companies working on implantable microchips. When trump was close to bankruptcy in the 90s, he took huge loans from the Rothschilds, and then put a former Rothschild banker in his cabinet as treasury secretary. Kushner family is deeply tied in with Netanyahu, who himself was directly involved in 9/11. Q stopped posting the day the first gene therapy went into arms, after promising we were safe.
I don't know...I want to believe it was an operation for good. I learned a lot from those posts. I believe they helped some Americans wake up. I also believe they were effective at putting truth out there and then labelling it as insane/etc to get many americans to think the truth is lies.
I know this is a war that likely goes back millennia, and it is without a doubt far more complicated than any of us could ever begin to imagine. But some things about trump just don't sit right with me. This might be too deep for many of you, but the Back to the Future series is directly about 9/11 and donald trump. The first movie is directly about 9/11, and the second is about Biff Tannen (a clear homage to DJT) gaining access to the future and becoming the richest man in a dystopian future America through Casinos/gambling etc. Donnie Darko is also about DJT and 9/11 (I can go deeper and back up these claims if you want), and he is again not presented in a positive light whatsoever.
He was at ground zero and blamed the muslims and continues to do so to this day. For anyone who knows anything about 9/11, the muslims were complete and total patsys, and both the US and Israeli governments were highly involved.
We got no arrests, no mass awakening, harmful virus with a patented moderna sequence smack-dab in the middle of it's genome, warp speed promoting moderna products that have harmed millions, no 9/11 truth, no epstein or pedophile arrests or uncovering, nothing.
The only possibility left in my mind is that DJT could end up saving the world by playing the bad guy and exposing all these criminals who they enticed into committing these crimes against humanity. I really don't see a way where he comes out totally clean...
I'm very, very sorry for posting this, and I know a lot of people on this forum will likely attack me or want to deny it, but I'm honestly so sick and tired of all of this, and frankly am feeling like the point of Q was to tell truth and then ridicule it to make people fall asleep even more.
It's possible the NWO crumbles under the weight of it's own absurdity, and the federal reserve causes it's own hyperinflation and we can create better systems in the future. But truthfully it seems that things have only gotten worse, and it's just getting started.
Open to any and all discussion....
Your concerns are %100 founded.
The connections are intensely Zionistic seeming - which they should be to any layman on Israel.
You’re never going to be able to say “All Israel efforts are ______”. They have some seriously complicated internal politics - so what I suggest is looking at the fruit.
The Abraham Accords were the Neocon Zionists worst nightmare.
Working with Bin Salman? That’s a whole can of worms too. What if Yemen is a bigger deal than we realize? Where was Mujahadeen / Al CIAda based for a long time? Yemen.
These are complicated matters so instead of lending to darkness - lend to demonstrable action.
Trump says shit, intentionally, to shake out people. He does it internally and externally and always has. Read his books. It’s a strategy he deploys that scares the shit out of adversaries.
Know what else he does? What he says he will.
Look no further than ISIS / ISIL / IS.
Trump & Putin literally worked together and absolutely steam rolled what took NATO & the 9/11 Factions years to make. They obliterated it. Did Assad fall? Cuz that was the goal.
Putin now is fighting the same fight on his border. You realize this right? Azov and those extremists are literally NATO fueled, funded, backed & are willing to commit atrocity just like ISIS and the other mercenaries.
Moscow has Christian marches and ceremonies throughout the capital pretty constantly - and they look intensely happy.
Trump is the most censored person in the world and he is a former president.
I can promise you Q is real. What was said was real. Your ability to affect the world with your OUTLOOK is real.
Don’t let in Darkness.
When you feel black-pilled - stop. It’s ok. Be still. Gather your heart and understand what we face is never ever going to be done without divine help. That’s it.
Also remember - God LOVES using imperfect people so do the biggest things. Voices in your head will tell you negative things and try to demoralize you. Those are not YOUR voices. The louder they are - the more important you are in The Plan.
I don't feel black-pilled, as I know who and what I am and am not particularly worried about my well-being in this material reality. I am sovereign over myself and always will be. I just see the pain that so many innocent and mislead people are going through, see it only getting worse, and am frustrated at the lack of decency in the world right now. But I do know how complicated it all gets and why this path may have been the necessary one.
Very well written. Every now and then we need to take a dead reckoning.
I very much appreciate your insights Hope. Thank you for your courage in giving voice to them.
I, along with the majority of Canadians felt like this. We had people from all over the world making fun of us, calling us Cucked, that we were doomed, that we were useless, hopeless, pathetic, yadda yadda yadda. We were told that we deserved what we were getting because we voted our horrible leaders in. Those of us openly resisting were told that we were doomed to fail, and an extraordinary amount of naysaying was done in order to, what I can gather, démoralise us as much as possible. We didn’t seem to be able to fight back against this onslaught, when we KNEW that everything being said was wrong, but no one was listening to us. We were screaming NO, and not only was no one listening, no one seemed to care. We had people making fun of us for not deserting our Country for supposed greener pastures, and people equating us with the losers that were NOT voted in by the populace, much like the case in all the Western nations. I encountered an awful lot of these sentiments everywhere, even on this site.
Then, when the Freedom Convoy began its trek, we were re-awakened out of despair. We learned that all our despair was sent to us INTENTIONALLY! We had such an uplifting of the soul and spirit through your name-choice, HOPE! We learned that we ARE THE MAJORITY! We learned just how many of us true, kind, patriotic and damn it, PROUD, there are. We learned, even with all the sabotage, treasonous behaviour, and violence that occurred, that there are far more of US than there are of any of the EVIL people in power. People all over our beautiful planet rejoiced with us, showed their support, took hope and ran with the relay baton in the race of not only the battle of humankind, but the biggest War ever, of human existence (that we are aware of). Many, many, many beautiful people threw off the shackles of despair and fear and realized that WE ARE THE MAJORITY! We learned the best of the Q lines...Where We Go One, We Go All! Truly!
That immensely uplifting experience of the shedding of despair, was euphoric. It helps to sustain me and millions of others throughout this idiocy. We remember that feeling as being much more powerful than the fear being broadcast by medias, governments, and the mere thousands of Evil-doers and Evil-worshippers.
As you said, all this is very complicated. Each of us is a piece in the puzzle of Humanity’s existence. A piece at one end of the board cannot see the picture being formed on the other. I know that lancing a canker is painful and can be dangerous. A good line I read in C.S. Lewis’s The Last Battle went something like this paraphrased version. Good done in the name of Evil, is still Good. Evil done in the name of Good, is still Evil.
Many will remain misled, and many more will choose to remain asleep because of convenience. Some even are being sacrificed or are sacrificing themselves. We honour them. However, please take heart in what I learned, and what whatever Q is/was has taught us, we know now how many of us there really are who are resisting the tyrannies from all around the world. Know that everyone resisting has your back. We support you. We love you.