According to Galina Starovoitova Fellow Kamil Galeev, "Z" is a letter that Russian Military are putting on their vehicles departing to Ukraine. "Some interpret "Z" as "Za pobedy" (for victory). Others - as "Zapad" (West),” the scholar said on Twitter."
No one knows why this particular letter was chosen in this case. It's being used to mark the Russian military equipment since the equipment that Ukraine has can look very similar.
"What is the meaning of the "Z" symbol?
According to Galina Starovoitova Fellow Kamil Galeev, "Z" is a letter that Russian Military are putting on their vehicles departing to Ukraine. "Some interpret "Z" as "Za pobedy" (for victory). Others - as "Zapad" (West),” the scholar said on Twitter."
No one knows why this particular letter was chosen in this case. It's being used to mark the Russian military equipment since the equipment that Ukraine has can look very similar.
Inb4 not z joke.