Flat out, Fearful Symmetry's "Righteous Russia" joins the world likes of Patel Patriot's "Devolution", Slag's "The Wartime Presidency," Will Zoll's "PrussiaGate," and of course all of Neon Revolt's epic posts, as some of the best analysis ever written in this movement.
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Still miss the Goatpen.
Moral of the story here, related to all above, use your own discernment. Just because one follows Q doesn't lend credence to their decodes.
Same here. I was hungry for info at the time I joined, and checked out quite a few channels, and quickly realized most of them found ways to take 2 or 3 topics / news items, and turned them into 40 minutes of mush at best, and propaganda at worst. MSM mastered that ages ago. VOAT was the concentrated essence of news and information.