Flat out, Fearful Symmetry's "Righteous Russia" joins the world likes of Patel Patriot's "Devolution", Slag's "The Wartime Presidency," Will Zoll's "PrussiaGate," and of course all of Neon Revolt's epic posts, as some of the best analysis ever written in this movement.
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anyone know if IPOT is still making videos somewhere .occasionally I would find him on bit Chut but I have not seen anything in months
He does on occasion. The plandemic hit him pretty hard.
IMO, I think the Q drops helped him with his research on the DS players - being dropped by U-Tube and with Q going silent, he's struggled to get by.
he's also on Gab, https://gab.com/IPOT1776 but posted his interest these days is in documentaries and is currently working on one.