Federal Jury Summons
I just received notice from my mother that she has been called for a federal jury summons! Of course there is the process of having to be vetted for the position, but she wasn’t sure how she felt about going. I really encouraged her to do her civic duty, as a conservative, and also because we live in a state that had severe election fraud. I am so excited for her! They pay $50 a day, and mileage. Who knew?
What do you possibly think it could be? I’m dying to know, but I’m sure she has to keep everything confidential until after it’s over with.
Sorry so long before responding, just got home from work. I have many ways to defend myself and not scared to do it. This case freaked me out though. The victim had a video camera in his kitchen with sound. The killer came in and attacked him. The monster sliced and diced the man over 34 times. He fought hard for his life. He was still alive when the killer literally cut his head off. All on camera. The sounds were worse then the visual. The dog (a husky) was outside the kitchen window howling and crying. He couldn't help his master. The victim had a gun but wasn't able to reach it. It was 3 feet away from him. This happened in a nice quite rural county. Never let your guard down.