If you see an article/video that you believe is worth sharing, please feel free to repost it here on GAW or anywhere else...
...a very loud "howl" for all those who contribute articles to Unleashed, I am amazed at the depth and scope of the interests of the readers...
...My purpose in doing this is to get this information out where "eyes" can see it...
...please help spread the word...
...Where we howl 1, we howl all...
1 After Concerted Effort to Bury Ivermectin, New Bill Would Put This Medicine in the Hands of the American People
2 Russia Challenges US: If Biolab Documents Are Fake Then Ask Head of the DTRA Office at the US Embassy in Kiev Joanna Wintrol Why She Signed off on Them?
3 White House Feed Cut After Biden Confronted on Call With Xi Jinping
4 Why Don’t American Cities Deserve the Same Care as Ukraine?
5 The CDC ‘Quietly’ Rewrites History Again — Removes Tens of Thousands of Deaths From Covid Tracker
6 Spies Who Lie: 51 ‘Intelligence’ Experts Refuse to Apologize for Discrediting True Hunter Biden Story
7 How Flip-Flopping Fascist Fear Fuhrer Fauci Used the AIDS Epidemic to Gain Power and Become the Figurehead of Medical Tyranny
8 Putin Quotes John 15:13 to Hail Ukraine Invasion at Moscow Rally: ‘The Words From the Bible’
9 Biden Crime Family: Hunter Emails Leaked From Feds Show Biden Potential Organized Crime Ties
10 Feds Take JOURNALISTS From Border in Handcuffs While Crowd of Illegals Loiters Nearby
11 “Kamala’s Morons”: Biden-Harris Regime Considers Sending Gas Cards to Everyone Instead of Just Fixing the Problem With Domestic Oil Production
12 European Airlines Are Warning Pilots to Be on Lookout for Faulty Data After EU Claims GPS Is Under “Constant Spoofing” or “Jamming” Attacks . . . Points Finger at Russia
13 Corporate Media Spreads Hoax That Russian Cosmonauts Wore Yellow Suits to ‘Support Ukraine’
14 45,500 Rapid Covid Tests Recalled – “High Number of False Positive Reports”
15 The children groomed in Romania for the UK sex trade- BBC News (Disturbing information warning)
16 Gavin McInnes Warns Dear Leader Biden’s SCOTUS Pick Ketanji Brown Jackson May Be a Pedophile
17 Rare Win in Democrat Hellhole DC: Judge Blocks Law That Let Children Get Vaccines Without Parental Consent
18 What Makes Taiwan an ‘Unsinkable Shield’ That the US Can’t Afford to Have Fall to China?
19 Mayor of Madison, Wisconsin, charged with election bribery by accepting Mark Zuckerberg's money
20 CDC quietly cuts a quarter of child COVID-19 deaths, blames 'coding logic error'
21 Marxist Pope Francis REMOVES Puerto Rican Bishop for Opposing Satanic Vaccine Mandates
22 Joe Rogan Addresses Having Donald Trump Come on His Show
23 Kid Rock Tells Tucker Carlson Why He’s ‘Uncancelable’: “Because I Don’t Give a F***, There’s Nobody I’m Beholden To”
24 Breaking: Documentary Film Exposes U.S. Bioweapons Labs in Eastern Europe in 2018
25 Hunter Biden's Baby Mama's Lawyer: "I expect him to be indicted"
26 Pakistani Court Blocks Parents Searching for Abducted Daughter
27 CNN's Brian Stelter Has EPIC Meltdown...Refuses To Admit He Lied about Hunter Biden Laptop
28 The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan - The Genocide of the Peoples of Europe
29 ‘My name is Spartacus’: COVID-19 Deep Dive Part I
30 CRT Meets Sweeney Todd: Congress Now Aims to Control HAIR Standards
31 Russia's Hyper-Advanced Weapon Fired for First Time in Combat, Reportedly Vaporizes Major Target
32 China Warns West's "Outrageous" Sanctions Are Forcing Nuclear-Armed Russia "Into A Corner"
33 19th Anniversary Of Iraq Invasion: US Says Troops Will Be There For More Years To Come
34 Flashback: World Superpowers Pledged To Avoid Nuclear War Less Than 90 Days Ago
35 Snowden Discusses Bitcoin's Lack Of Privacy
36 Dear Leader Biden’s Handlers Are Preparing to Eject Him (and Kamala)
37 To Hell With These Leftists
38 Dem Nightmare: What if the War Ends Before November?
39 You Be the Judge
40 Slouching Towards Ekaterinburg: The Case for Constitutional Monarchy in Russia
41 First, Do Some Harm
42 Liberals Infuriated By NY Times Editorial Recognizing Cancel Culture Problem Cancel Subscriptions
44 RUSSIA, UKRAINE, CHINA and COVID-19: Direct Evidence of U.S. Being Advised of Department of Defense Dual-Use Pathogen Biolabs in Ukraine on 11 Jun 20
45 The US Empire of Lies Can’t Fool the Seven Billion
46 John Wayne vs. Cat Ladies (Spoiler: Wayne Loses)
47 The Last War for the Neocons
48 The Week That Perished
49 Duck is afraid of water. This woman is raising him like her own baby.
50 Chonkiest Tomcat Appears In Woman's Living Room
Head up...
Eyes forward...
Hold the line Patriots....
#1-The question is will pharmacies be able to obtain it in any volume (I doubt it. Big Pharma will most likely control manufacturing, distribution and pricing, so this is all window dressing hoping for the “ignorant masses.”) and will it be pure, or will Big Pharma slip a “surprise vax” in it? I don’t trust Big Pharma, hospitals, doctors or any government entities any more. Call me paranoid, suspicious or whatever. The fact that “test” swabs may be adulterated with the vax, gives one pause!
#5 & #20-The CDC, as well as the military equivalent of VAERS can’t be trusted. Deflections have been done to downplay the harm of the Covid shots and their role in the fraud. These government entities are not to be trusted.
#2-I doubt the documents are fake. Victoria Nuland admitted th#4ere were bio labs and concerns that Russia would release a pathogen or bio weapon, so I think that says it all. I guess the U.S. CDC, FDA, DOJ, DARPA, etc. should have thought about that before setting up this shit in 320 labs worldwide and using taxpayer dollars without our permission.
#4-U.S. cities don’t get the financial funding and food aide because people who seek power and financial gain see no benefit in providing to the U.S. citizens. To them we are expendable bottom feeders. You heard it straight out of HRC’s mouth. Same reason all the illegals pouring in get free health care, food, housing, financial aide, attorney representation, etc.
#10 & #13-Censorship is alive and well just like in Communist China. Doesn’t matter because few reporters tell the truth since they are governed by the owner of Reuters.
#17 & #19-Finally a peek at common sense judicial decisions.
#21-Pope’s actions tell you all you need to know-money and power of Satan. I have long thought that tithes to churches should be stopped. One gives what they can give and God understands. You should not be forced to promise giving a percent of your salary. I understand there is upkeep for churches, but maybe like in the past, instead of building expensive edifices, church should be held in the houses of people. God is omnipresent. A formal church is not needed. I am sure a percentage goes to the governing bodies of each church: Catholics-Rome; Lutherans-Missouri and American Synod; Episcopalians-to their governing body, etc. I suspect, it is those bodies who provide the clergy.
#30-Congress doesn’t want to deal with the tough agendas, only nonsense. At the most, this should be dealt with by states, if it is even necessary.
Valid observations all...
God bless you for sharing them....
Disgusting when a particular church gives an ultimatum, it is time to find a new one. God can not be bought!