But it seems to me this fact check doesn't go far enough. It sounds like this text, which appears in a book called "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300", is a quote from another source. But the good people of Reuters didn't bother to elaborate on what THAT source was. (insert eyeroll).
Much as I distrust mainstream "fact checks", this one seems plausible: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-schwab-population/fact-check-depopulation-quote-has-been-misattributed-to-klaus-schwab-idUSL2N2OB1JW
But it seems to me this fact check doesn't go far enough. It sounds like this text, which appears in a book called "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300", is a quote from another source. But the good people of Reuters didn't bother to elaborate on what THAT source was. (insert eyeroll).