Hey frens,
My father-in-law who got hit hard by “Covid” and subsequently believed the lies that getting the vaccine would help prevent it again is suffering now from both.
Are you guys aware of any natural remedies he can take to rid his system of both evils?
I don't mean to be a black pill, but I see a lot of questions like this. The various protocols around probably are of benefit in the case of unvaxxed infection, or exposure to spike shedding via a vaxxed individual. But I have not read one legitimate treatment for the vaxx itself. Folks repeat the protocols for "spike proteins" if you are unvaxxed and exposed, but that's something entirely different from the mRNA alteration to your immune system. Understand: following the vaxx, your very immune system produces the spike proteins in response to an infection. In severe cases, a condition called Antibody Dependent Enhancement, or ADE, occurs.
But the spike proteins are only a small part of the problems associated with the vaxx. Yet another is the clotting problem, and I'm not sure that doctors have even identified the mechanism yet behind this. Is it related to the spikes piercing the cells? I'm only guessing. It could be something completely different.
Will the body revert back to its "norm" after a period of time, or is the vaxx a permanent alteration to the immune system? These are questions with no answers yet.
I told my friend she will have aids by fall. I'd give her all protocol I can. She looks awful. And while I don't want to see my friend die, she is, before my eye due to the jab!
If your friend still has her paperwork from the vaxx, it can be researched here: https://www.howbadismybatch.com/ It's not a perfect system, but at least one can ascertain whether there are other individuals experiencing vaxx injuries from the same batch.
Sent thank you
Best wishes to your friend! Having a friend who cares, like yourself, is worth its weight in gold.
Thank you! I will ask and give to her !
This is the only thing I know to suggest: if your friend has access to a doctor, and she can request labs, have her ask for a "d-dimer" test. This will identify if she is suffering from unusual clotting in her blood. If this is the case, it's possible that the doctor could place her on a low-dose aspirin therapy...although I don't know if that would be beneficial in this case.
As I said above, however, I believe that the clotting and the spike protein are separate issues. Researchers are finding that there were different types of vaxxes distributed, with varying degrees of contents. Some were purely saline, some were only mildly toxic, and then there were the ones producing death within hours or days. Some people talked about graphene oxide, but I don't believe that was in very many doses, and may have been limited to Astra Zeneca. So much still unknown at this point...
Thank you I'm not sure which jabs she had. But, I know we're not saline. She has looks awful, feels awful and this is her redpill. And when I told her tonight she would have vaids before fall. She's was like..,.. I told her. I'll give you protocol. That's all I know.