posted ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists +6 / -0

If we see wokeness as a new religion, it would make more sense if they believed in some sort of metaphysical reality, since they don't have a god as part of it at this point. Like even though witches don't really bow to a god like some other religions, they believe in magic spells and stuff. I was reading the r/wicca subreddit and it seems like they earnestly believe it. It seems like psychologically a metaphysical belief could be important to making religions work.

Like is it possible the belief that thousands of black people a year are murdered in cold blood by police officers has crossed over to the point where it's now like the witches believing in spells? They have to accept this clearly false reality in order to make the religion work and as a result are no longer really caring about the truth. Any other examples of woke metaphysical beliefs that could apply?