**SB 866 **– Lowers the age of vax consent to 12 without parental consent or knowledge.
SB 1390 – Prohibits any person/entity from making statements government deems untrue or misleading by any means including on internet/ads. Social Media platforms cannot “amplify” certain harmful content and will have to establish a complaint process that tracks each complaint in a database that is shared with the Attorney General. “The bill would provide that harmful content includes libel or slander, as specified, threats of imminent violence against governmental entities, and disinformation or misinformation, including, but not limited to, false or misleading information regarding medicine or vaccinations, false or misleading information regarding elections, and conspiracy theories.”
SB 1464 – Requires sheriffs and peace officers to enforce public health orders and prohibit state funds from being provided to any law enforcement agency that publicly announces that they will oppose a public health order.
SB 1479 – Mandates schools to continue Covid-19 testing and report information to CDPH
AB 1797 – Creates an immunization tracking system (CA Immunization Registry (CAIR)) giving all government agencies access to vax records of all persons.
AB 1993 – Employers (all sizes) to require each employee or independent contractor who is eligible, to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. It allows for medical and religious exemptions.
AB 2098 – Classifies anti-covid medical opinion as “unprofessional conduct” subject to discipline by the medical board.
SB 871 – Mandates children be immunized with Covid-19 vaccine in order to attend school or daycare and remove the personal belief exemption for any additional vaccine requirements added by the California Department of Health.
SB 920– Authorizes the medical board to inspect a doctor’s office and records without patient’s consent.
SB 1184 – Authorizes school health personnel to disclose child’s medical info without parents consent to a third party.
**SB 866 **– Lowers the age of vax consent to 12 without parental consent or knowledge.
SB 1390 – Prohibits any person/entity from making statements government deems untrue or misleading by any means including on internet/ads. Social Media platforms cannot “amplify” certain harmful content and will have to establish a complaint process that tracks each complaint in a database that is shared with the Attorney General. “The bill would provide that harmful content includes libel or slander, as specified, threats of imminent violence against governmental entities, and disinformation or misinformation, including, but not limited to, false or misleading information regarding medicine or vaccinations, false or misleading information regarding elections, and conspiracy theories.”
SB 1464 – Requires sheriffs and peace officers to enforce public health orders and prohibit state funds from being provided to any law enforcement agency that publicly announces that they will oppose a public health order.
SB 1479 – Mandates schools to continue Covid-19 testing and report information to CDPH
AB 1797 – Creates an immunization tracking system (CA Immunization Registry (CAIR)) giving all government agencies access to vax records of all persons.
AB 1993 – Employers (all sizes) to require each employee or independent contractor who is eligible, to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. It allows for medical and religious exemptions.
AB 2098 – Classifies anti-covid medical opinion as “unprofessional conduct” subject to discipline by the medical board.
SB 871 – Mandates children be immunized with Covid-19 vaccine in order to attend school or daycare and remove the personal belief exemption for any additional vaccine requirements added by the California Department of Health.
SB 920– Authorizes the medical board to inspect a doctor’s office and records without patient’s consent.
SB 1184 – Authorizes school health personnel to disclose child’s medical info without parents consent to a third party.
More Information: https://unityprojectonline.com/take-action/
Wrong. California was full of fruits and nuts 40 years ago. The nation hasn't followed them since Reagan.