There are lots of different ways to verify that the 'vax' is killing tons of people, including funeral home directors reporting dramatic increases in the volume of dead bodies coming in since the mass distribution of COVID vaxxes, funeral home stocks skyrocketing, the (even super SUPPRESSED) stats in the VAERS database, frequent sudden (unexpected) deaths of many celebrities, the "excess death" numbers being reported, and population DECLINE numbers (more deaths than births) being reported, etc.
Here's yet another way to validate 'excess deaths' since the jab became widespread and in some places being mandated across the globe. Take a look at Google searches on the keywords "funeral" and "funeral home" - those Google searches have DOUBLED since 3/2020. See these preconfigured searches:
"Funeral homes" -
"Funeral" -
I just checked it out this is sick. Try doing a search for "aids" or "Vaids" they block you from the results.
I was able to get results on "aids" and "vaids" when I checked Google Trends. Here's what I got:
"aids" (not much change):
"vaids" went from 0 to 100 in late 2021, but then (to be fair) it's a brand new word/acronym that wasn't really 'created' until that timeframe, so of course there wouldn't be any searches for a never-used-before word prior to its existence.
That's a big jump for vaids. But try typing in aids and select Hiv/Aids. Wanna see what you come up with.