I'm not sure that it can be removed, a surprising amount of software on samsung phones can only be 'deactivated'.
When I replaced my phone last, I was actually blown away by how many TOS's it takes before the phone will even turn 'on'. 3 TOS to use the keyboard, 2 more for voice functions, etc... if it was any more flagrant they would just say "you don't own this phone, you just pay to use it"
I'm not sure that it can be removed, a surprising amount of software on samsung phones can only be 'deactivated'.
When I replaced my phone last, I was actually blown away by how many TOS's it takes before the phone will even turn 'on'. 3 TOS to use the keyboard, 2 more for voice functions, etc... if it was any more flagrant they would just say "you don't own this phone, you just pay to use it"