posted ago by Cuetardian ago by Cuetardian +16 / -1

Everybody who hates Trump thinks the Smith/Rock video is real.

Everybody who supports Trump knows it's fake.

If you ask someone why they think it's real, they'll give you emotional reasons: Smith was defending his wife, neither he nor Rock would hurt their careers by faking something like this, Smith cried afterwards, etc. etc.

Not a bloody one of them says, "I looked at the video of the entire event. I saw how Rock just stood there with his arms locked down, eyes shut, and leaning into Smith. I noticed how there was only one camera angle and that made it impossible to see if Smith's hand even connected. I actually looked at the source and drew my own conclusion."

You get the picture. We are once again getting feels over reals, exactly as we did during the election and ever since.

The Left refuses to look at direct sources. They won't do it. They will literally scream and shut you down and cut you off before looking at an actual direct source for anything.

Instead, they listen to the opinions of friends, politically correct strangers, and Mainstream News. And that's it.

This is an absolutely unbelievable phenomenon, yet here we are.

Take an informal poll yourself and see what you come up with among your own family and friends. I'll bet you will see the same.