Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where are the descendants of the people that conquered MOST of the civilized world 300 years ago?

killed off in war after war

which is one of the primary reasons for war

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most of the world - and virtually 100% of the eastern world - is ruled by psychopaths and always has been.

Psychopaths have no empathy for anyone or anything. Neither do reptiles. That's why psychopaths are so often called "cold-blooded" or "snakes".

No empathy = no conscience. When you have no conscience, you care about nothing but power and control. Other humans, and animals, are just things for you to use - nothing more.

Psychopaths firmly believe in the "laws of nature" that says The Strong Rule Over the Weak and Might Makes Right, and that's exactly how all of them live. Pharaohs, kings, chiefs, mafia bosses - it's always the same thing, no matter where and when they exist.

Even the small-time psychopaths, like street thieves and criminals, live the same way and make life hell for their families and neighbors unless and until they are forcibly stopped.

The western world was aided by the rise of Christianity, because its rules and guidelines mostly consist of "how not to be a psychopath and how to deal with the ones you find."

Biggest problem is that psychopaths often come across as very charming (like Newsome) and people just don't recognize them for what they are. People still think we can negotiate with them and get them to change.

Psychopaths never change. There is nothing that gets through to them. They have no conscience and so there is nothing TO change.

All we can do is finally learn to recognize them. Once we wake up and realize what we're dealing with, things will change. But not before.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

So they got what they wanted all along.....to call him a felon.

Yep - a felon

Has five kids with three different women

Got arrested

Got a vicious mug shot

Got shot

and it all backfired. All it did was make him the Original Gangster president and more popular than ever.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lighting a fire in January is retarded

Unless Trump is about to return to office

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only good thing about the firestorms in Cali is that some people are finally, finally waking up. This video, showing a woman confronting Governor Newscum in the street and he flat-out lies to her face, is going viral.

"They will not be able to walk down the street."


Cuetardian 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dude to his right looks like Prince Edward, who is King Charles's youngest brother.

Cuetardian 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's labeled "@she_sees_everything_ai" - AI - it's fake, kids

Cuetardian 6 points ago +6 / -0

She does sometimes send messages through her fashion choices, though she is looking none too happy today.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everybody wants to know: Where's Big Mike? Said to be on vacation in Hawaii? Now? This funeral has been planned for a long time.

The "Amazing Grace" singer was just wonderful.

Play the "What's Trump saying to Obama?" lipreading game!

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not much, evidently. Only the fact that downtown is mostly just concrete and not much brush - but even that might not save it now.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sent equipment to Ukraine. Kicked out some of the best firefighters for refusing the COVID shot. And yes, even on TV you can see that these are not all wealthy celebrities - far from it.

I can only imagine how terrifying it is to be there. The video is just incredible. Please stay safe, even if you have to leave all your stuff behind. Just take the people and animals and go. You can rebuild another day, and you will, as long as they are with you.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not everybody out there is wealthy, even in the Palisades. There were many small suburban homes and trailer parks being destroyed right now.

They just happen to be sitting on very desirable land. Just like Maui. So they're being destroyed.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are gay men who want desperately to sleep with straight men. That's what all this is about.

They think if they "prove" they're really female - like with having it on their ID - straight men will accept them as female and f*** them.

That's really all it is.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let them plan the whole thing in DC - and then, at the very last minute, hold the actual swearing-in at Mar-a-Lago. It doesn't have to be done in DC. The oath can be administered anywhere.

Cuetardian 5 points ago +5 / -0

Obviously he’s after something, the question is what?

Stopping Greenland and Canada from falling into CCP hands.

That's what.

Cuetardian 17 points ago +17 / -0

Excellent info. But in years past -

was there somehow no water available to fight the fires?

was there absolutely no forest management to clear away dead trees and brush and create firebreaks?

This is what I'm talking about. SoCal has been overbuilt in dry areas for a long time. But water and forest management mysteriously stopped in more recent years.

That's not an accident. That's not "incompetence." That's deliberate.

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