Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks good. Really. A lot of people will go see this thinking it's just a movie. But movies have been showing us the truth for a long time - the monsters who do the worst stuff just love shoving it all right in our faces and then having us think it's fake and "just a movie."

But a lot of it isn't.

There have been endless films made almost from the start about human sacrifice and ritual murder. About humans hunting down and killing other humans for sport. About the worst stuff you can imagine.

But so far, nobody's taken them at all seriously. It was actually reassuring since if anyone talked about the real stuff, we could say, "Are you crazy? That was only a movie. How could you think it was real?"

Maybe that will start to change.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was not the same "Biden" in the Quit Speech Wednesday night. This one is looking much stronger than the very thin, very frail guy we saw last week getting on and off the plane to Delaware.

Watch his head. A normal person, when changing direction, first looks in that direction and then the body follows. But in someone with dementia, severe frailty or other balance issues, they will turn their head and body at the same time. It makes them look awkward and hesitant and is a giveaway for a serious condition.

Frail Skinny Plane Biden had this "turn head and body at the same time" look.

The one we've seen since then does not, and is taller and stronger looking. No way that's the same guy.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

She will not be given the nomination.

Right now they're letting her take the attention off of Biden's collapse and the Deep State's failure to take out President Trump.

But the Dems and the rest of the Deep State know very well that she has zero chance of winning an election - not without cheating on a scale which even they can't handle.

Look for some combination of Big Mike, Killary, Newscum, and/or some DEI hire to be on the Democrat ticket in the fall.

Kamala will be nowhere near it.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is. They are playing games with our nation and NOBODY is in charge.

Just for example: Anybody know where the nuclear football is? Or who would have to deal with it if/when our enemies decide to take advantage of the chaos to attack us once and for all?


Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was not the same "Biden" in the Quit Speech Wednesday night. This one is looking much stronger than the very thin, very frail guy we saw last week getting on and off the plane to Delaware.

Watch his head. A normal person, when changing direction, first looks in that direction and then the body follows. But in someone with dementia, severe frailty or other balance issues, they will turn their head and body at the same time. It makes them look awkward and hesitant and is a giveaway for a serious condition.

Frail Skinny Plane Biden had this "turn head and body at the same time" look.

The one we've seen since then does not, and is taller and stronger looking. No way that's the same guy.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +4 / -1

This was not staged. This was not fake in any way. This was the Deep State deliberately setting things up so that Trump was not adequately protected, because they were certain they could take him out and their problem would be solved.

It sounds like intelligence was deliberately kept from his immediate circle of USSS protection. Obviously, they had to stay right with him and were not the ones in charge of securing the rest of the area. Somebody deliberately failed to send them the info over their radios. If they had had all the facts they would never have let Trump set foot on that stage.

You're forgetting one thing: Staging such a horrific thing would not help Trump in any way. The risk of being found out was far too great. If it was ever suspected that Trump and his inner circle had faked his own injury, faked the injuries of others, faked the death of a man and put the spectators and their children through sheer terror, even a lot of his own longtime supporters would turn against him over that. I think I would, too.

That is not how Trump does business. That is not how MAGA does business. We don't lie and deceive and fake things in an attempt to manipulate everybody else. That's what the Deep State does.

I understand wanting to think it wasn't real and hoping to find some way that it wasn't, but it was real. Just be very glad that Trump is still with us and the campaign continues - and I hope nobody here would ever think that Trump would fake such a horrible thing.

He wouldn't.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

oh, what a tangled web we weave

when first we ponder

to deceive

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whenever my daughter hears that women shouldn't be allowed to vote, she says, "OK, but if I can't vote I'm not paying taxes, either, and I'm sure as hell forced to do that. Paying taxes without voting is Taxation Without Representation."

Cuetardian 6 points ago +6 / -0

I want to know how it is possible

that Trump's immediate USSS detail

did not know about a man with a long gun lying on a rooftop 150 yards away.

Members of that detail, according to Eric Trump's interview during the RNC, have been with the family for years and the family trusts them completely.

I cannot believe that that particular detail knew about the threat and still allowed Trump to go on stage and remain there.

I do believe that somebody else - I guess somebody with control of the radios - made the deliberate decision NOT to tell that USSS detail about the threat, and so they did not know.

That personal USSS detail should be demanding somebody's head, and they probably are.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

They have more than snipers. They've got truck bombs, possibly dirty bomb nuke.

You bet they do. I've thought for years that this is why Trump and other white hats are sometimes forced to back down from things they want to do: because the threats and the blackmail are off the charts. Our entire nation is being held hostage, and folks never seem to think of this when they complain about Trump "not doing enough."

Cuetardian 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes, please post throughout when you have a chance and let us know how it's going. Security reports would be extra welcome tonight.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think we did go, but the video may have been "recreated" to ensure they'd have something to show.

I also think there's way more going on up on the moon than we realize - especially on the far side - but that's a post for another day, lol.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

I still think the shooter was in a building on the opposite side. The water tower doesn’t make sense as all eyes would be pointing in that direction.

I think so, too. I thought early-on that the real sharpshooter was in that same building right below the patsy - now it looks like it was in the building behind that one, where we are told USSS agents were staged "because the sloped roof was too hazardous" but that would work perfectly, too. That building had tall narrow windows in it, ideal for shooting from.

I also think that they let the patsy into their building, gave him the rifle, and somehow let him out to climb to the other roof. I saw that those buildings are connected in a couple of spots by something - ?air conditioning units? - and that would make it easy for that 120-pound kid to walk right over to the other rooftop.

Did anybody ever see the ladder that the kid supposedly used? Did they see how he got the rifle up to the roof?

Cuetardian 5 points ago +5 / -0

I saw that, too. For the counter-sniper to be that startled, it tells me they were told nothing about a possible suspicious person wandering the grounds - never mind about people yelling that they saw somebody on the roof with a rifle.

Those two counter-snipers, and the USSS agents immediately around Trump, were all behaving like they were just at a normal level of readiness as the rally began and they allowed Trump to walk out onto the stage.

I cannot believe they knew about the threat. Somebody made the decision to keep that info off their radios.

Cuetardian 8 points ago +8 / -0

I noticed the same. There are different writing styles among the Q drops - almost certainly different people.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe that was Christopher Maccio singing live. Pretty sure he was up on the bandstand so we didn't see him on the TV shots. He was there earlier in the day rehearsing, too.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Nessun Dorma" translates to "none shall sleep."

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is also the plot of the science fiction novel Foundation, by Isaac Asimov.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, in the original novel by Gaston Leroux, the "phantom" was actually referred to as the "O.G." which stood for "Opera Ghost."

Interesting comparison!

Cuetardian 5 points ago +5 / -0

Has he ever said that before during a speech? If he says it tonight...

"... none shall sleep."

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