Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not complicated.

It's normal decent humans (good) versus psychopaths (evil.)

Always has been.

Psychopaths are always drawn to power. Having no conscience, it's easy for them to get it and keep it.

No matter what the names/tribes/clothing styles are, you will find this same situation every single time.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you're not sure whose side somebody is on, remember this: Always look at what they actually do. Not at what they say. Look at what they do. That will tell you whether they can be trusted or not.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, exactly - to keep us from giving up on ever having decent people run the world instead of the monsters and sociopaths we have now, and letting us know there are at least some White Hats working behind the scenes to change this.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

This guy failed to understand one thing: That he was dealing with psychopaths. With people who have absolutely no empathy and therefore no conscience.

They have no compassion for anybody or anything. Even when you literally inflict maximum pain upon yourself in an effort to make them understand the suffering they cause, it will have no effect. Except, maybe, to make them laugh at how weak and foolish you are.

If the normal human beings of the world ever realize that we constantly deal with narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths in everyday life, and that their being in power (great and small) is what destroys everything (great and small,) THEN things will change. But not before.

I wish this man had found his way here and talked to us. Maybe this horror would not have happened.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think this is what happens when the cognitive dissonance strikes so hard that it completely fractures someone's worldview. Some just cannot come back from that.

Having your worldview shattered, and finding out that everything you thought you knew was a lie, is too painful and distressing for some. It's why so many cling to their worldview no matter how shaky and untenable it gets, because for them this would be the alternative.

Suicide Weekend?

Wish he would have hung out with us here for a while. He would have been among friends and maybe not ended up like he did. (The video is horrific. Watch at your own risk.)

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think this is what happens when the cognitive dissonance strikes so hard that it completely fractures someone's worldview. Some just cannot come back from that.

Having your worldview shattered, and finding out that everything you thought you knew was a lie, is too painful and distressing for some. It's why so many cling to their worldview no matter how shaky and untenable it gets, because for them this would be the alternative.

Suicide Weekend?

Wish he would have hung out with us here for a while. He would have been among friends and maybe not ended up like he did. (The video is horrific. Watch at your own risk.)

Cuetardian 16 points ago +16 / -0

The man who immolated himself believed Trump was just one more of the elites and has actually been working with Hillary and Biden and the rest all along. "Controlled Opposition" I guess you could say.

It's a fair question and one which we've even considered here - we have to. I just see no evidence that Trump is a Black Hat trying to fool us. They would not be trying their damndest to bankrupt him, imprison him, and murder him if he was. They wouldn't have to bother to go this far - he would just perform as he was told - and they wouldn't.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll be a poll watcher once I get a little more info from the Trump campaign about what they want us to do - if we all jump in, it really could make a difference for the better.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

yep. Gold diggers, or groupies. Every successful man has groupies.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, he kinda did say it. But it was said during a private conversation, nothing more. I've certainly heard people, men and women both, say far worse than that in private convos.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

The short answer is that narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths (the difference is really only in degree and in how violent they're willing to get) have no empathy and therefore no conscience.

They can be very charming and and highly charismatic - think Bill Clinton and Hollywood stars - but they only see other human beings as things to be used.

They will keep you around only as long as you are useful to them, even if you are their employee or their spouse or their child or their parent.

Once you're more trouble than you're worth, they will start ignoring you and criticising you until sooner or later they discard you. They'll fire you, divorce you, cut you out of their lives and leave you with nothing - and never give it a second thought, while you pick up the pieces of your wrecked life in shock.

If you know someone who is often described as a "terrible person" or "cold-blooded" or a "snake," you're dealing with a narcissist/sociopath/psychopath. A person who has no conscience.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a serious answer for you, so you may want to at least consider it:

Every woman gets a very hard life lesson at one point or other: She gets the lesson that she'll never be enough for any one man, because no man really wants to have only one woman as a sex partner for his entire life.

Not even her.

Once that sinks in, it does a real number on a woman's head. It's hard to accept that no matter what she does, what she looks like, or what she tries to offer, she'll never be enough for the man she loves.

He'll always want another and another and another, no matter what she looks like or what she offers or anything else, and sooner or later he WILL act on it. And then he'll tell her it meant nothing and she should stop worrying about it.

Sure. It meant nothing to him. It meant everything to her.

The one thing she wants most in life is the one thing she can never have: She'll never be "enough" for the man she loves.

Men laugh at this, but it's dead serious for women. That's why neither side understands the other.

As a result, a lot of women spend their lives trying to prove that yes she IS "enough" and tries to outdo men at everything.

Some of them end up trying to live like men, being just as promiscuous as the men they see and thinking this will make them happy.

(That's why there is the screaming demand for easy legal abortion: So women can live as promiscuously as men without the consequence of becoming pregnant, which men don't have.)

Meanwhile, the men spend their lives laughing at such women and telling them how stupid and incompetent and ridiculous they are to think they could ever measure up.

And here we are.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly right. The eclipse itself doesn't do anything except let you observe an amazing natural event and experience the power of nature.

It's what the black hats are trying to plan in conjunction with it that is the problem. Making people terrified and unable to function is part of that, so tell your wife to stop playing along with that and giving the bad guys what they want.

Turn on The Weather Channel or Fox Weather. It's all a big party of eclipse watchers and nothing more.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

yes, our taxes are going to protect mass murderers and to support the crimes against humanity instigated by the Bidens, the Clintons, the Obamas, and many more in Ukraine.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Feds came to grab the video evidence

The question is, why now? Was somebody higher up threatening to go public? What happened?

Cuetardian 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's all connected, fren. People like Epstein and Diddy provide the blackmail measures that keeps elections fake and tax dollars stolen. They're the enforcers. Get rid of them and it's one less brick in the wall (a very large brick)

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the black populations 'wake up' (I am active on all the hip hop forums and gauging their reactions. They're going thru the stages of grief right now).

Please tell us more about what you're seeing - I take it most are in denial?

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not all of the royals are evil. The fact that the "good" ones are suddenly disappearing is a huge warning that what's left of British culture is in great danger, while so many here just sit back and laugh. You're missing the point entirely.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not all of the royals are evil. Philip, Charles, Andrew, Meghan Markle, Louis Mountbatten - yes.

The late queen, William, Catherine, Diana - no. Even Trump got on well with the queen. They represent the crown, which is a huge cultural icon over there that promotes cultural identity.

Getting rid of all of them will just clear the way for the illegals to take over more than they have.

The fact that the "good" ones are suddenly disappearing is a huge warning that what's left of British culture is in great danger, while so many here just sit back and laugh. You're missing the point entirely.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. I do not think the queen wanted that marriage at all but Philip was still running family matters at the time and the queen may have seen allowing the marriage as the lesser of two evils - the other evil being Meghan playing the race card as loudly as possible.

Harry is a fool and Meghan became his handler. They have no children, probably because the surrogates refused to sign them over. Meghan has lied about everything and it's too late for Harry to speak up about it now.

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