I just received a text from my neighbor that we seem to be experiencing a flour shortage in our area (Northern CA). She said that Costco is out and the manager said he didn’t know “if or when” they will get more. I’m trying to figure out if this is a broader issue. She said she knows of at least one other store that does have some in stock right now and to grab it quick if we need some.
Anyone else experiencing this?
What do you use white flour for - do you make your own bread?
I make my own bread and cakes. I don’t live in the townsite but out on a farm so it saves me driving to town every day. :)
That's awesome. I was just curious because I live in the suburbs and I can't remember the last time I bought flour... I've got some in the pantry that probably expired years ago because I buy bread from the grocery store and I don't make cakes. I figured that'll be the case but was curious anyway.
It’s not hard to do ,all you need is the ingredients.They taste better as well. I started making bread as a lot of the time by the time I got to the store they didn’t have any bread left on the shelf, the joys of living in the country . Lol.
It is also a great way to get out the frustrations as one kneads the dough. I make sure all my thoughts stay as positive, or at least as neutral as possible. After all, everything tastes better when made with love!
I used to have it just sit in my pantry forever. But my kids really like it when I bake so I’ve been working at doing more of it for them. 🥰