Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko @DrZevZelenko · 6h My health update.
Unfortunately, my cancer has progressed and spread to my remaining lung, and may have also spread to my left hip, and low back.
I will have biopsies of the hip and back soon.
There are experimental and alternative treatment options that I am exploring.
I feel good and have no fear. I may have to scale down some of my smaller media events but fully intend to stay in the fight as long as I have consciousness.
It has been four years since I was supposed to die. Everyday since has been miraculous and I attribute my continuous survival to the prayers of loving people.
My Hebrew name is
Velvel Wolf Zev Ben Leah
It really isn’t important when and how a person dies. It is much more important how a person lives.
With much love
Zev Zelenko
Lord please rid this man of cancer in Jesus name. Amen.
I thought the "cures already exist"...
Right? I'm no doctor, but take some dog dewormer. Fenbenzole? Spelling? I read it cures cancer.
unfortunately, those do not cure all cases. A close friend of mine just passed from cancer he was a great guy, and one of the most selfless people i have ever known. He was following the Joe Tippens protocol (who was the patient that pioneered the human use of FenBen) Tippens has published guides on exactly his supplementation regimen and how he cured his own cancer.
My friend was also a fitness trainer in his late 30's so incredibly healthy dude, and he also incorporated all the eating methods which supposedly help defeat cancer as well.
I believe there must still be more robust cures out there or more information about how to prophylactically subvert cancer from developing in the first place.
It's not a 99% success rate, that's for sure. I wonder the percentage it actually cures.