Been thinking. Was listening to a Matt Khors live stream yesterday. He said to write the words down but it was so logical it didn't necessarily need pen and paper. The business model he used the example of "create the problem sell the solution." Seeing as we may be correct that humans are the carbons they want to reduce wouldn't the solution to be killing off people? And wouldn't that mean if the experimental shot kills people doesn't that make them win? And wouldn't they also win if we do find them guilty of treason and we hang them high? Either way they get their overall goal of carbon reduction. And this in itself is a crazy supply chain money making machine as a side effect. With production of whatever experiments they produce all the way down to the manufacturers who are generating the CDC cards and even the ink manufacturer. And then when you look at the other problem they have been pushing that the earth is over populated which is also an issue with the climate change, they are having people believing the abortion thing is a great solution regardless if they are doing it for satanic reasons or for fuel the human ability to rationalize murder? Either way they are achieving their goal of carbon reduction by reducing human life even if it means their own and we all know when you believe in something so passionately you are willing to die for your cause. And if we are satisfied with finding them guilty of treason so we hang them then what goal of theirs did we actually counter if carbon bodies will be killed? Like seriously how do we evolve from this?
Now for the rant which triggered this thought hoping it will bring a little more insight. Some person approached me wanting friendship and long story short it fell out quick with me feeling uneasy and oppressed and all that good stuff. What I have evaluated after 2 long months of trying to understand what there is possibly learn from this in the bigger picture sense and all I'm seeing is what this type of behavior of an individual is to teach me don't trust people, which would allow this individual to alter my perception of humans which in turn means that would reflect I should not be trusted. But what I'm struggling with this is that I don't want to accept that is what there is to learn because I'm not about that because I know I exist so trustworthiness does exist. Maybe, just maybe this experience was to trigger my question of how can we stop the toxic cycle that we have seen throughout history and how we potentially could be on the same exact path in the coming future failing to evolve from the genocide concept and help these sick people instead of just killing them off knowing we ourselves didn't do anything to cause the change needed to have them stop succeeding at reducing their carbon? And with them dead we wouldn't be able to stick it to the individuals we believe are the ones who are responsible for this toxic trend. Hear what I'm saying?
I understand. But thou shall not kill. The sickness is so real that some of the infected can heal while sadly the others are in critical condition. Nature will kill them off over time if we work to heal the future others. So my question is how do we evolve?
Thou shalt not kill foes not mean do not protect yourselves.
Wouldn't evolving be a powerful protection?
I'm only trying to come up with a solution. It's fine if you don't agree. But back in school the teachers explained to us that they are teaching to history to help prevent it from repeating itself. So I'm just fishing for potential solutions on how to evolve from continuing the US against Them battle and war continuing to go on after we are long gone.
God gave humans free will and greed is a driving component. Tech is tech it's how you use it is what makes the difference. Like to us Guns are a tool and the argument is guns kill people. But if we play their game and assume carbon reduction is their goal because we are trust worthy people and that's what they keep telling us there is a solution out there to end their game. I'm fishing for ideas here not a debate.
And aren't we all Gods children?
God's people too. He created everything. That's just the mystery of the faith in itself.