One more thing, just like Trump, the media would lie about her endlessly, and then it would get taken as fact by the normies. Remember "you can see Russia from my kitchen"? First, she was asked a question about her daily Russian briefings as Governor of Alaska. She said that some don't realize that Alaska is so close to Russia, there are parts of Alaska where you can see Russia.
The only thing to make fun of in this answer is that there are people stupid enough to think this is a false statement, and make fun of it.
One more thing, just like Trump, the media would lie about her endlessly, and then it would get taken as fact by the normies. Remember "you can see Russia from my kitchen"? First, she was asked a question about her daily Russian briefings as Governor of Alaska. She said that some don't realize that Alaska is so close to Russia, there are parts of Alaska where you can see Russia.
The only thing to make fun of in this answer is that there are people stupid enough to think this is a false statement, and make fun of it.