posted ago by MatildaJ ago by MatildaJ +46 / -0

A few hours ago, Alexander has reported from inside Ukraine. There is a push to prise out the last of the Azov fighters that have been cut off from fleeing the huge steelworks in Mariupol by Russian forces. . Six helicopters flew in to remove personnel that have been hold down and so far 3 of these helicopters have been shot down. Ukraine (Zelinsky) has removed 2 of his top Generals for treason and I would imagine he has already had them executed. Alexander thru many sources is hearing that the Russian Military is massing in this area for the final push and a figure of 250,000 well rested and well equipped Russian troops are waiting for their orders. Sad to think these young Ukrainians had no choice. To be shot in the back as a coward or to be crushed under the weight of a far superior army. Biden and his globalists scum have done this. NATO and the globalists have told the world thru the media that this is all Russia’s fault but Putin is fed up with the deaths of the Russian people in the Dombass for 8 years that have been used as sniper practice, have been bombed, trafficked, used as Guinea pigs in the biolabs, have had their property taken or destroyed. There has been 14,000 people in this area killed and the world has been quiet. Why? Could it be something to do with Ukraine never belonged to the globalists to begin with but has systematically been stolen by them in various wars? Putin is just taking back the area from the globalists who have impoverished the Ukraine people, stolen their natural resources and committed untold crimes against those there. When you look at the wars the globalists have taken into countries worldwide, what is unique to each war? Taliban. ISIS and now Azov. They do not hesitate to use women and children as shields. They set up in hospitals knowing the world will be outraged, not by their deeds, but the perceived enemy. They give western media complete access to their propaganda and they roil the public up to believe that, in this case Putin, is the instigator. Even Biden openly has called for Putin’s removal. That’s a coup. How many democratically elected leaders have been removed via war by American Presidents? It’s the globalists MO and they have used these tactics for hundreds of years. This time they may have just met their Waterloo. Reports are coming out that they believed Putin wouldn’t disconnect gas etc. Energy companies are now reporting that they have been disconnected. A master move by Putin to demand payment in gold or rubles, bypassing the petrodollar. Today Putin has support from 86% of the Russian people. Biden 41%. That should tell us everything about these globalist scum.
