GOD bless us with the same strength, courage, the absolute grit and fight within us as the earliest founders and fighters--to never, ever, ever let evil win. Dear GOD let us rise to do whatever it takes to fight for our kids, to protect them.
They are targeting our children like never before--bc its now bold, blatant and not in secret--bc they can since they first brainwashed and dumbed down enough people to get by with that now. So I pray let this be the biggest mistake satan and his followers have ever made.
AND I just want to say God bless every hard working American, God help us. Give us the GRIT TO FIGHT
When did we ever have that america. America was always about consumption and tv watching
Them boys from WW 2, having experience the deprivation and senseless destruction, the suffering, death and horrors of that war, came home, rolled up their sleeve and went to work. Understanding the potential of organizational achievements with a educated army, while having the benefits of being both highly motivated, and self disciplined, with a insatiable desire for a better life, an better world, went to work. Through the inspiration of their imagination, the sweat of their brow, the labor of their bodies and backs, built the America that became the greatest economic engine the world has ever known. Advancement, Achievements, Developments and Discoveries in the entire spectrum of existence, were not achieved by them sitting on the couch, eating bon bons and watching television. Hard men made the soft times you have had the benefit of enjoying. Never forget the sacrifices, day by day these honorable men they made for you.
America is still the greatest economic engine and our output today is far greater than the 50s or 60s. American companies make technological breakthroughs in every field today.