Place the child in a cage with a cuddly animal for several days. Dark, and all alone except for the animal they will bond with it. Then several days later during a ceremony, they will remove the child and animal from the cage, kill the animal and force the child to eat its heart. That's damage the child will never recover from...
These people doing the bidding of the evil, need to die to save future victims.
Yes I believe what the Bible ment was to persue magic through faith as a conduit, and not obscure pracrice.
As in, through god all is possible. When your drawing from some other force, its probably very open to corruprion. Through God one can be certain the unseen is truth and rightious.
Kinda like Dark souls/Elden ring faith vs magic (XD sorry gamer here.)
Idk just my take on what the bible ment. I remember Paul, I believe it was, smaking the "evil spirits" out of a woman psychic following them around hassling them with visions lol.