From Praying Medic: " . . . The frantic rush to destroy society and usher in the Great Reset is evidence that they [Cabal] know they don't have much time. . . . They're racing against the clock. They [Cabal] know Trump is coming back. And with his return comes the storm that will destroy them."

You are right. I cant get my husband to think like this so we are still in an apartment (market too high to buy here) and without even a gun. I want a small piece of land but he won't buy in this market.
I'll be one of the dead probably.
I pray my husband is right and all will work out. He is kind of fatalist about dying. Says if shtf society is dead anyway and he wouldn't want to live in the stone ages.
Tha k you I will look into that.
check out the greenstalk vertical tower, can fit one or two or more on a balcony if you have one.