What is the essence of Q?
What does Q know that allows him to?
Make very accurate predictions regarding certain things (numbers, comms)?
Be able to make extremely bold statements regarding high level foreign actors and affairs?
My hypothesis is that Q’s predictions come from a US-centric perspective. Q may not have to get the exact sequences of events correct with regards to foreign events. But as long as Q is certain and correct about the way of American politics, its predictions regarding foreign will largely happen one way or another.
The reason I preface this post with the previous statement is that there seems to be a theory going around that Xi is coordinating with Trump. I have no conclusions on that theory. I merely wish to express my analysis and viewpoints as clearly as I can in this post.
On China:
First, let’s take a look at the beginning of Trump’s campaign. It began with him calling China out about their trade practices. It’s easily forgotten that this was his strongest stance during his entire campaign and throughout his presidency. The tariffs he eventually imposed on China was very damaging to them.
Many forget that the Chinese economy was in dire straits before COVID largely due to these tariffs and the fact that they had a real estate bubble and could not grow out of their troubles anymore via exploiting US export markets.
Then COVID happened and the rest is history. I considered the theory that Trump and Xi were coordinating together. Let’s not forget that it was China that allowed COVID to be unleashed onto the world. COVID destroyed Trump’s economy, it allowed the election to be stolen and it saved the Chinese economy.
Xi is in charge of the country. Things don’t happen on this scale without his consent. Perhaps Q gamed things out and did not predict Xi would take this path as it was not an “optimal” path to take. Perhaps Xi chose the less optimal option for his country if you consider it from a game theory perspective.
Remember, China is the biggest beneficiary of globalisation. Would Xi really be able to follow a plan by Trump that went against the trend that made modern China? Even if the plan was the best conclusion that a rational actor could hope for?
What is happening now:
We have a very interesting situation happening right now maybe a little lost in the background in the midst of this Russian/Ukraine war.
China has a Zero COVID Policy. Its success prior to what recently happened in Shanghai was one of the basis of Xi’s power. Xi is up for “re-election” this year btw. Shanghai is in lockdown. And many other provinces in China are beginning to do the same thing.
But something is different this time around versus when COVID just began.
This time, due to the “Omicron” variant, testing is rampant throughout China. Entire cities are forcefully requiring everyone to test every 48 hours while on lockdown. Basically, the economy in major parts of China has effectively stopped.
People are locked into their homes without food and the ability to earn money. And COVID infection cases are skyrocketing.
When COVID began in China, nobody did PCR testing. Hence, there were barely any cases outside of Wuhan.
Now we learned that doing such testing will only increase the rate of infections in the statistics. In China it may even increase infection rates as everybody has to be gathered together to do the testing.
The army was sent into Shanghai just two days ago to take over the testing and management of the outbreak.
Couple this with China’s real estate market issues and the fact that Shanghai is China’s financial centre. There is a serious shitstorm brewing that does not look good for Xi.
Xi was offered a plan from Trump.
Xi may have deviated from this plan due to overconfidence in himself.
But that’s OK since NCSWIC. Now Xi will have to live with the consequences of his decisions.
China’s strength comes from its access to the world order that the US has built and from its access to US markets.
China cannot directly confront the USA. It can only subvert the USA through its political system.
As long as the USA’s political system can correct itself (the key basis of Q’s posts), China is but a paper tiger.
And there are many ways to skin this cat.
Could the mass arrests be happening there or something and they need the citizenry inside? Or, the CCP knows it's on its way out and throwing everything they can against the people? Like our own bad actors here....
Mass arrests could be a possibility. But the general situation looks more like somebody or something is challenging Xi’s position. Xi doesn’t need this situation to make arrests happen.