How does this help me? Corrupt cogs in a corrupt system are plug and play replacements for each other. It's not like their replacements are going to be patriots that love America and want to turn it around.
If you dont realise by now, we are in Devolution, and removal of Biden and his sham administration is part of the Plan, and when it happens, if nothing else, we know we are in the next phase and one step closer to the ending.
How does this help me? Corrupt cogs in a corrupt system are plug and play replacements for each other. It's not like their replacements are going to be patriots that love America and want to turn it around.
If you dont realise by now, we are in Devolution, and removal of Biden and his sham administration is part of the Plan, and when it happens, if nothing else, we know we are in the next phase and one step closer to the ending.
We are in collapse. We're 1/4 of the way through Biden and at the rate things are going it will be the voters removing him.