The masses tend to panic in such situations.
Like many who have suggested the same, I believe one of the reasons Q woke us up is so that we can help people around us understand and cope with what is going on when things get a little scary. There will be people who are jolted awake from a deep sleep and have no idea what is going on.
Maybe your sister is in a panic because the military is quelling riots in the streets and politicians are being hauled off screaming into helicopters. Or maybe widespread power and communications outages have brought a worried neighbor to your door. Or that close friend (who respects you too much to call you crazy but insists on staying asleep) is finally waking up and searching for answers because it looks like the world is ending.
What will you say to start them down the long road to awakening? How will you reassure them that things will be ok, and prepare them for what is next? There is so much that could be said, it is difficult to summarize.
Maybe something like the following?
We are about to begin a years-long period of human history defined by the ongoing exposure and destruction of the greatest evil the world has ever known. A plan was devised decades ago which has culminated in the events unfolding before us. Many good people have sacrificed much and suffered greatly in order for this plan to work. In chess terms, the enemy has been in βcheckβ for several years. Covid - and everything since - has been caused by the enemy in their death throes. They cannot win, and will likely attempt to flip over the table before accepting defeat. But the good people are prepared. They have planned for all contingencies. Hang on because it may get rocky - but do not fear. GOD WINS.
Well said Anon.
It will be important not to gloat and to welcome the confused normies into The Great Awakening with open arms and hearts.
We must remember that the normies who sleep are victims of the most powerful psychological operation and propaganda apparatus ever constructed in the history of mankind.
As we bring this system down, the normies will be like drug addicts. They will be searching for their M5M fix to tell them what is going on. They will be searching for a way to go back to their Matrix. 4-6% of these individuals will be gone. They will not be able to accept a world without their former masters in control.
There will be years of healing ahead of us. The Storm is not the end. It is only the beginning.
Prepare for God's work. He is going to need every single one of us.
God Speed Anons!
Mockery is extremely powerful.
It can make a fat person choose to not eat.
It can undermine a presidency.
It can derail a 1000 year old death cult.
and it can contribute to waking up a stubborn sleeper. We're not "above" mockery, it's one of our only effective tools in this information war!
Mockery can also inhibit and prohibit our mission of healing.
Those who have been slumbering have had punishment enough. Recall the fraudulent vaccine initiative, and the catastrophic implications on health and wellbeing. No amount of mockery can surmount the lesson that is being taught to humanity right now.
There has been enough suffering and aguish spread across the world already. Let us be the wiser men. Let us put these sufferings to rest, and be willing to guide humanity forward with love and compassion.
Those who cling to the old negative energy will be holding humanity back in the vestiges of the old bondage, and postponing the true potential of The Great Awakening.
Preach on brother