DontTreadOnIT 1 point ago +1 / -0

That particular quote is from session 2. 😉

I'm a bit behind, still need to order session 3.

DontTreadOnIT [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

That meme is a classic, it has been stickied here a few times.

DontTreadOnIT 5 points ago +5 / -0

General Flynn's 5GW book is of great use to anons. But I don't have to tell you that do I Frac? Here's an excerpt for everyone else:

Information Operations Fratricide is like friendly fire in the world of information. It's when our own actions, like sharing news or information, accidentally harm our own side instead of helping it. This can happen in the military, but it can also happen in everyday life when people share information that hasn't been checked properly. Spreading unvalidated or selective information helps the enemy PSYOP plan by spreading fake stories or polarized messaging.

DontTreadOnIT [M] 9 points ago +9 / -0

Mods regularly sticky SemperSupra's fantastic work. If you post a dig of the same caliber it will be stickied as well.

DontTreadOnIT [M] 32 points ago +33 / -1

Stickied because we've heard THE STORM HAS ARRIVED so many times that complacency has set in. Now is the time to top off emergency supplies, mentally prepare, and get right with God if you haven't already.

DontTreadOnIT [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next time you need help from a mod, scroll to the bottom and click "message the moderators."

I just checked, no posts with "Crooks" or "Yearick" in the title have been removed by mods. It is possible the author deleted it, in which case even mods cannot see it.

DontTreadOnIT [M] 0 points ago +1 / -1

Perhaps the downvote was valid? Might have been fake news, or a duplicate post.

There are plenty of posts about Yearick (the guy with Ukrainian & Antifa connections). Do a search and see if you can find it.

DontTreadOnIT 7 points ago +7 / -0

This away takes years, if not decades

The deadline is Thursday. This letter is not about holding them accountable, it's about optics because we are currently in the EXPOSURE phase.

the other side has already won.

This particular type of idiocy is known as dooming, and is not tolerated here.

DontTreadOnIT 9 points ago +9 / -0

Correct, a virtuous SS agent would never blow the whistle on 4chan.


DontTreadOnIT 3 points ago +3 / -0

From General Flynn's 5GW book:

Information Operations Fratricide is like friendly fire in the world of information. It's when our own actions, like sharing news or information, accidentally harm our own side instead of helping it. This can happen in the military, but it can also happen in everyday life when people share information that hasn't been checked properly. Spreading unvalidated or selective information helps the enemy PSYOP plan by spreading fake stories or polarized messaging.

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