My husband loves his ex girlfriend more than me… I am close to eating a bullet.
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Got my ass handed to me hard… I got MS.. I tripped downs the steps and ate some wall.
I should have remembered the hotline number, they can be trusted. However since you've reached out to us as a hotline we need to help too.
Having seen your other post, I'd first say one can always be positive about one's own body regardless of anyone else. God has given you life, you've enjoyed it so far, and it's irrelevant if there's a particular disease or a trait that is different from someone else, because everybody has problems and things in life that are uncomfortable when we make false comparisons to others. But talk to God and thank him for what you've got because it's you and you know how you work best. The first step is to ensure you and God have the clear air, you're not mad at him because he knows what he's doing, he didn't let you get in an argument today to hurt you but because there's something great about getting to the other end of this incident.
He loves you and sent his Son to die in your place so that you could have life. Jesus suffered a lot to ensure that we don't suffer any more than we need for growing up as healthy sons and daughters of God. Trust him that he'll get you through and that will be your foundation.
Once you get past that the longer term question is whether he really means it (unlikely). More often a guy says something like that thoughtlessly because he's hurt too, and he may be suffering from some kind of inadequacy as well. If it was just an irrational explosion of emotion, then keep building inner peace in yourself and in God, and keep a little bit of distance from him in conversation for a bit, and the time will come where he can clarify what he meant. If it were an actual action threat then other considerations would apply and we'd need to know more, but given what you've said I'm hopeful it's just an idle lashing out at something about life other than yourself. Strong people don't break even when the world puts crazy pressure on them for 2 years.
Now we pray. Father God, you love Wrongthinkery and have created her to be loved even in these circumstances. Lord, we call out to you to heal her body and to heal her self-image and to heal her relationship with her husband. We ask you to place her on the solid ground at the foot of the cross where you have shown us your love, and to calm her that she can rest well in you tonight. Thank you that the pressures we feel are actually just light and transitory afflictions and that we can take all our emotions to you and be answered. We trust you to answer her in a special way tonight, in Jesus's name, amen.
I dont know if they can do anything for me, between the fuck up the add by hubby and fat chicks, I feel like nothing…
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