I believe that is how we get normies to wake up faster. Way faster even.
I've noticed "boomer" type programming (cable tv and blaze tv type stuff) has their personalities steering their audience in the right direction without digging too deep into things like the Disney groomer employees and how it's far worse than that. That's just the most recent example. It's been happening with everything.
What ends up happening is you have boomer normies agreeing with us on the bottom line of how to fix said problem without knowing the full extent of the problem. The outcome is desired even if they think Disney "fell for the gay thing" instead of thinking that Disney spearheaded to gay thing their whole lives, they still vote the way we need them to vote. If voting ever matters again, that is.
I swear to god my boomer mother KNOWS that everything I've shown her is completely true but she will never ever ever ever admit it to me. Maybe I would too if I knew that my generation sat in their lay-z-boys and watched their government sell their kids' generation to the highest bidder while telling their kid to just roll over if you know what's best for you. I'd like to think I'd have the courage to tell my kids that I'm sorry for being a full blown idiot.
I believe that is how we get normies to wake up faster. Way faster even.
I've noticed "boomer" type programming (cable tv and blaze tv type stuff) has their personalities steering their audience in the right direction without digging too deep into things like the Disney groomer employees and how it's far worse than that. That's just the most recent example. It's been happening with everything.
What ends up happening is you have boomer normies agreeing with us on the bottom line of how to fix said problem without knowing the full extent of the problem. The outcome is desired even if they think Disney "fell for the gay thing" instead of thinking that Disney spearheaded to gay thing their whole lives, they still vote the way we need them to vote. If voting ever matters again, that is.
I swear to god my boomer mother KNOWS that everything I've shown her is completely true but she will never ever ever ever admit it to me. Maybe I would too if I knew that my generation sat in their lay-z-boys and watched their government sell their kids' generation to the highest bidder while telling their kid to just roll over if you know what's best for you. I'd like to think I'd have the courage to tell my kids that I'm sorry for being a full blown idiot.