posted ago by charwoman ago by charwoman +18 / -0

There is a series of posts over at Patriots.win on subliminal imagery in Disney movies. The one featuring Jessica Rabbit stirred a memory.

Pedo protectors have been using rabbit characters as a tool to discredit abused/molested children for years, and I have no doubt that 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' was made for just that reason.

This article from 2001 discusses false memory creation with Bugs Bunny at DisneyLand. https://www.washington.edu/news/2001/06/11/i-tawt-i-taw-a-bunny-wabbit-at-disneyland-new-evidence-shows-false-memories-can-be-created/

There was a cartoon rabbit at DisneyWorld's Tomorrow land; it was Roger Rabbit, and he was in a space suit outside Space Mountain. I know, because my oldest daughter and I had our picture taken with him in 1992.

Interesting dive down a 'rabbit hole' here; commentary about false memories being implanted after trauma to discredit abuse allegations: https://dynamic.uoregon.edu/jjf/bugs.html