It would help if the people who are on our side would kick people out of the community who promote complete fucking horseshit that destroys our credibility.
The “tEH prEsIdeNT iS a CLonE!!!!” and “LoOk aT tEh CoLORed LigHtS oN teH wHitE hOuSe iT’S A CodEd MesSaGe YEW guYZZZ!!!” types and Paytriots whose careers are a long string of never being right about anything make it entirely too easy for the other guys to make us all look retarded.
It would help if the people who are on our side would kick people out of the community who promote complete fucking horseshit that destroys our credibility.
The “tEH prEsIdeNT iS a CLonE!!!!” and “LoOk aT tEh CoLORed LigHtS oN teH wHitE hOuSe iT’S A CodEd MesSaGe YEW guYZZZ!!!” types and Paytriots whose careers are a long string of never being right about anything make it entirely too easy for the other guys to make us all look retarded.