It’s not going to matter if Fox sticks with only “Hunter did business… with China!” messaging. Nobody cares about a story as vague as that, same as “Trump didn’t pay enough taxes one time!”. Fox is intentionally ignoring the emails about Rosemont Seneca (Hunter) paying Global Viral / Metabiota to study cross-border plagues at the Black&Veatch labs in Ukraine, with the express blessing OF the Ukrainian government (they made a deal to host Hunter’s “science project” and in return were promised revenge on Russia and membership in the UN). The emails even explicitly mention bat coronaviruses being studied for conversion into a weaponized virus, and Hunter’s name and shadiness all over every email, but Fox won’t cover it.
It would help if the people who are on our side would kick people out of the community who promote complete fucking horseshit that destroys our credibility.
The “tEH prEsIdeNT iS a CLonE!!!!” and “LoOk aT tEh CoLORed LigHtS oN teH wHitE hOuSe iT’S A CodEd MesSaGe YEW guYZZZ!!!” types and Paytriots whose careers are a long string of never being right about anything make it entirely too easy for the other guys to make us all look retarded.
It’s not going to matter if Fox sticks with only “Hunter did business… with China!” messaging. Nobody cares about a story as vague as that, same as “Trump didn’t pay enough taxes one time!”. Fox is intentionally ignoring the emails about Rosemont Seneca (Hunter) paying Global Viral / Metabiota to study cross-border plagues at the Black&Veatch labs in Ukraine, with the express blessing OF the Ukrainian government (they made a deal to host Hunter’s “science project” and in return were promised revenge on Russia and membership in the UN). The emails even explicitly mention bat coronaviruses being studied for conversion into a weaponized virus, and Hunter’s name and shadiness all over every email, but Fox won’t cover it.
It would help if the people who are on our side would kick people out of the community who promote complete fucking horseshit that destroys our credibility.
The “tEH prEsIdeNT iS a CLonE!!!!” and “LoOk aT tEh CoLORed LigHtS oN teH wHitE hOuSe iT’S A CodEd MesSaGe YEW guYZZZ!!!” types and Paytriots whose careers are a long string of never being right about anything make it entirely too easy for the other guys to make us all look retarded.